
Innovative HR System for Improved Operations in Housing Estates

Photo by Chester Ho on Unsplash

Hong Kong is a bustling city with a large population, and with that comes a high demand for housing. There are many housing estates throughout the city, such as The Coast Line (親海駅), and the housing estate industry plays a crucial role in providing accommodation to the residents of Hong Kong.

The housing estate industry not only provides a place to reside but is also responsible for maintaining the facilities and managing the estate. This is where a Human Resources (HR) System comes in handy. An HR system can be a useful tool for the housing estate industry as it helps in managing the complexity of human resource management. In this article, we will delve into why housing estate industry needs HR system.

What is an HR System?

First, let’s define an HR System. An HR System is a software solution that helps businesses to manage their human resources. The HR System incorporates different functions of HR management, including payroll, benefits, attendance, performance management, recruitment, and training. In other words, an HR System is there to help manage the administrative aspects of HR management.

Why the Housing Estate Industry Needs HR System?

Employee management

The housing estate industry requires a large number of employees, including cleaners, security officers, maintenance workers, and administrative staff. It can be a logistical nightmare for estate management to handle the hiring, scheduling, pay scales, time off, and benefits for a large number of employees. An HR system can streamline the process and simplify the management of employee data, making it easier for the housing estate industry to make informed decisions about employee management.

Attendance and Time Management

The maintenance and management of a housing estate require a regular attendance and time regulation of the employees. An HR System can help track start and finish times, as well as absences or holidays taken. This ensures that the employees adhere to the rules and regulations set by the estate management, and facilitates the payment of wages based on the number of worked hours.

Performance Reviews and tracking employee goals

The housing estate industry constantly requires the monitoring and improvement of employee performance. An HR System enables management to monitor the performance of employees, provide feedback and recognize achievements. It also provides the necessary tools to set goals, track progress, and calculate bonuses or promotions.

Payroll Management

A significant component of HR management is managing payroll. With the number of employees, the complexity of payroll increases – HR System manages the job by automating the payroll processes. It ensures that the employees are paid accurately, and on time, lowering the risk of human error.

Overall Administrative Efficiency

The HR System can enable housing estate management to centralize the data and oversee the estate operations from one system. They can manage employee’s records, monitoring timetables and performance, request for leaves and payslips, and manages the employee benefits and compensations.

In conclusion, the housing estate industry requires an efficient management system to improve operations and manage employees effectively. An HR System helps to automate redundant tasks, improve data integrity, and streamline operations. A robust HR system can provide stakeholders with a bird’s eye view of the entire estate and employee management, reducing the burden on the housing estate management team. With an HR system, the housing estate industry can focus its efforts on delivering quality services to its residents while improving cost-effectiveness and efficiency.

About Multiable:

For over thirty years, Multiable has established itself as a trusted provider of comprehensive HR systems. Multiable HCM system has been instrumental in forming successful partnerships with more than 6,000 enterprises across Asia, revolutionizing the way they manage their workforce. By implementing our HCM system, organizations can standardize their business processes and enhance communication, leading to streamlined workforce management operations. The result is increased efficiency, effectiveness, and operational ease. Take the first step towards optimized HR operations, empowered decision-making and improved business outcomes by contacting Multiable today. Discover the transformative power of our HCM system and secure your organization’s competitive advantage in today’s dynamic business landscape.

About EDG Grant:

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) was launched in 2018. EDG is a single grant that supports companies in the upgrading of business capabilities, innovation and internationalization. EDG replaces the Capability Development Grant (CDG) and the Global Company Partnership (GCP) in the same year.

M18 ERP and M18 HCM is under the scopes of EDG grant.

Our consultants have rich experience in helping customers to get EDG application awarded to deploy our renowned M18 ERP in Singapore. Multiable will provide relevant technical / system related documentations and guide you throughout the application process

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