Cloud ERP

Unauthorized Access  ERP software generally comes with a set of standard roles that are allocated to users on the basis of their functional tasks in the organization. Consequently, clients plugin user-based controls and limit a user’s software access on the basis of their customization and authorization level. For example, an accounts clerk would not possess access to the inventory management module in the ERP. However, there is a risk of users creating fraudulent transactions, making unapproved updates, or submitting entries with transaction errors that are preventable. The third security issue [...]

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1. Communicate the benefits before rolling it out: Before even beginning the implementation process, people need to understand the reasons for the change, why it is necessary, and how it will help them with their daily work. If they don’t understand the reason and benefits behind such a big change, they will not buy in and would see the project as another thing to add to their busy day. 2. Make sure the system is easy to use: Your new ERP system should be fast, easy to learn and intuitive. Make sure [...]

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Multiable, headquartered at Hong Kong, is well known in the ERP market for over 20 years. The latest product is M18 v3.0. Multiable M18 ERP eases the pain of enterprises by doing more with fewer programmers. From adding a table in existing UI, to building your own UI with custom logic from scratch, UDF Editor can help you finish your work with minimal coding. It is fully configurable and includes real-time ERP, Big Data analytics, and a gateway to the Internet of Things. Don’t worry; your data will be well protected under the TDE database encryption. We provide ERP for [...]

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1. Outdated Technology Updating an older system to modern requirements and new hardware needs can be an expensive and time-consuming project that only delivers short-term benefits. If the underlying software and database infrastructures have aged past support dates and the system’s growth capability is limited, it’s time for a cloud ERP system. The older an ERP system is, the higher the current maintenance and future upgrade costs will be. Moore’s Law, which predicts the systematic increase of computing power, also applies to ERP systems. 2. User Unfriendliness When IT staff [...]

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As we had seen in the previous Multiable M18 HCM & ERP system, it is a very robust and flexible system that allows users to create/ edit/ rearranging the fields in any of the data modules. Besides just adding fields, it even allows users to create their own data modules from scratch if there is a need to. All these can be easily achieved by its' powerful graphical user interface without the need of a consultant or programmer. Being flexible in data entry means the ERP system must also be [...]

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We had briefly mentioned about the flexibility of a modern ERP system where it allows users to add/ edit any fields that in any of the data modules previously. Let's us take a closer look at how it can be done. Imagine that you are working for a company as a sales head where your sales managers have to enter their sales order or sales contracts in the company's ERP system.  However, there are a lot of fields that your sales managers need to enter besides the compulsory fields and [...]

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How are modern ERP systems different from traditional one? It is probably one of the most common questions that you will be asking yourself when looking for a new ERP system. There are many articles in the internet but many simply telling you that traditional ERPs are generally housed on-premise using the company’s own servers and maintained by your own IT staffs and/or external IT company while modern ERPs are cloud ERP. Cloud ERP is hosted on the ERP vendors’ cloud and the system is provided as Software as a [...]

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